Sunday 5 June 2016

Sharaan in Kaghan Valley, Pakistan


Sharaan is another beautiful and gorgeous place of Kaghan valley. It is Opposite Shogran and is hidden in the mountains. As it is on top of the Peak so the weather of Sharaan is too much cool infact in summers too. It is about 15 km from Paras, Kawai. The view of Sharaan is like dream come true for the Tourists.

Three Ravishing views of Sharaan

Balakot City, Pakistan

Balakot City

It is beautiful Green city which is located in Kaghan Valley. It is 40 km from Mansehra District at upper side. Balakot is one of the beautiful cities in Pakistan. It is also gateway and main entrance to the magical Kaghan Valley. The main point Naran is about 117 Km ( approximately ) from Balakot.
Main Balakot City

Over Bridge in Balakot

Lake Lulusar ...


is group of mountain peaks and a lake in the Kaghan Valley in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, province of Pakistan. The Word "sar" means "top" or peak in Pashto. The highest peak has a height of 11,200 ft (3,410) meter above sea level. The locale is famous for the scenic and large Lulusar Lake, which is popular tourism attraction.

Beautiful Lulusar Lake

Another View


is a medium sized town in upper Kaghan Valley in Mansehra District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. It is located 119 km from Mansehra City at the altitude of 8,202 feet (2,500) meter. It is one of the most scenic town of Pakistan, attracting thousands of Tourists, trekkers, photographers and nature-enthusiast, every year. The Kunhar River, swollen by glacier melt, passes through this town as it meanders its way through the Valley.

Edge of Naran

Naran during Winter

Shogran Valley


is a hill station situated on a green plateau in the Kaghan Valley, northern Pakistan at a height of 7,749 feet or 2,362 meters above sea level. Shogran is located at a distance of 34 km from Balakot. The road from Islamabad to Kawai is metaled and measures 212 km. From Shogran, you can ride a jeep or horse or hike to several picturesque places like Siri Paye and Makra Peak.

Two views of Beautiful Shogran 

Ansoo ( Tear ) Lake

Lake Ansoo ( Tear ) Kaghan Valley 

Lake Saif ul Muluk

Saiful Muluk

 is a mountain lake located at the northern end of the Kaghan Valley, near the town of Naran. it is in the North East of Mansehra District in the Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa  province, Pakistan and feeds water to Kunhar River. At an elevation of 3,224 m ( 10,578 feet) above sea level, it is well above the tree line, and is one of the highest lakes in Pakistan .

Beautiful Lake of Kaghan Valley, Pakistan

Lake Doodi Patt Sarr .. Kaghan Valley, Pakistan